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Compliance Identifiers
Verified LEI
VS 2549002K5Q8WU...
Managing LOU
VS 5493001KJTIIGC8Y...
S&P Global ID
VS 671947
VS 671947
SIC Code
VS 7382
Wikidata ID
VS Q124343310
OpenCorporates ID
VS 7481692
NASDAQ Reserved
Stock Symbol
Business Registrar &
Registry Identifier
VS RA000602 7481692
Regulatory Oversight
Committee (ROC)
VS Good Standing
VS 56162
External Documentation

Atrisk logo (converted from light-on-dark)

Atrisk U.S. Resilient logo

Atrisk headquarters at 300 Delaware Ave

Trade name

ISNI 0000000513675143


NASDAQ Reserved
LEI 2549002K5Q8WUKP21B56

Traded as

Nasdaq: ATSK (Reserved)
^IXIC component (Reserved)
COMP component (Reserved)
S&P Global 8058644


SIC 7382
Security | Defense | Intelligence |
Managed services | Information


United States


Nicolas Pendland


300 Delaware Ave,
Wilmington, Delaware
19801, United States

Areas served

United States | United Kingdom |
Middle East | Eastern Europe


NAICS 56162
Software | Consulting | Infrastructure |
Artificial intelligence | Payments


US$ Unknown (2023)

Net income

US$ Unknown (2023)


Atrisk Employers
Atrisk Institutions
Atrisk Payments
Atrisk Fulfillment
Atrisk Intelligence
Atrisk Infrastructure


Footnotes / references


Atrisk Corporation (Atrisk)[16][17] (/ˈætˈrɪsk/ 🔊 ) is an ultra-private[1][2] American security company
headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware,[4][5] and founded by Nicolas Pendland.[3][4] The company is
registered as a Delaware Corp,[8][9] the structure used by 66% of the Fortune 500[18] because of its
corporate secrecy and being considered a domestic corporate haven.[a][19] The company operates
within the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Eastern Europe, and is publicly known to
serve corporate and institutional clients,[20] focusing on at-risk, enterprise employers.[6][21] The
company started by offering "Compliance Postings," which involved legally redeveloping and
redesigning the federally-required notices of the United States Government[22][23] and other
regulatory agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),[24]
Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Labor (DOL),[25][26]
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),[27] among others. And most recently, "Atrisk
Payments," division of the company,[15] developed the cryptocurrency payment processor known as
AtriskPay,[28] which currently only supports Bitcoin (BTC)[29] and transacting with the company itself.

Employee safety and security

Training Materials, "Materials," within the context of ‎Employers & Institutions: Products & Motives,
serve as the safety/security framework of the company. These Materials are available in multiple
formats, including documents, audio files, and digital-use versions, and are designed to provide
instruction on safety/security matters. The purpose is to inform and educate employees within the
client organization, and their content attempts to encompass a spectrum of safety/security subjects.

The presentation of their information was designed to be "clear and accessible," intending for the
information to be easily understood by a diverse audience. A frequently noted characteristic of the
Materials is "adaptability," meaning they are designed to be relevant in numerous scenarios and in
reaction to changing "security circumstances." This could decrease the need for content retractions
or redistributions. Their topic variety attempts to address both general and specific safety/security
concerns, depending on the operational danger to the employer. Their distribution is facilitated
through the Platform and "situation-specific" partner content delivery networks (CDN).[6][30]

Individual Briefings, "Briefings," are one-on-one conversations between the Atrisk Advisor and an
employee. These meetings are scheduled and conducted via the Platform, and focus on providing
personal safety/security guidance. The text-based communication format is intended to encourage
an "honest dialogue," so employees may express any safety/security questions to their Advisor.

This structure is also intended to allow for "open communication," and thereby the employees are
encouraged to openly discuss their personal safety/security questions or concerns without "fear of
judgment or misunderstanding." As reported, Advisors conduct these Briefings with the focus being
"constructiveness" and based on each employee's circumstances and understanding. The Briefings
incorporate real-time, two-way communication, allowing employees to receive immediate responses
and answers to their questions or concerns. This interactive style is paired with Personal Analyses,
which could enhance the overall usefulness of the safety/security information provided.[6][30]

Scenario Blueprints, "Blueprints," are step-by-step instructional guides designed to assist
employees in handling various safety/security scenarios. They offer the framework to support
employees during realistic security incidents. The topic selection includes how to "recognize and
respond" properly to the forms of social engineering, including phishing attacks and impersonation,
in both digital and physical environments. Additionally, Blueprints provide strategies for identifying
medical emergencies and outline their best practices for managing these sensitive situations.

The scope of scenarios addressed within these Blueprints is intentionally broad, with the purpose of
preparing employees for critical situations they may encounter. A prominent feature is the inclusion
of "transcript simulations," which attempt to replicate or recreate real-life scenarios. The transcript
simulations demonstrate various social engineering techniques, including baiting, pretexting, and
quid pro quo. Through understanding the transcript simulations, employees should gain practical
knowledge about the tactics or methods used in the featured social engineering scenarios, which
thereby should improve their ability to "recognize and respond" properly. Seemingly especially for
these Blueprints, the ease of access and availability to employees is highly emphasized, they are
provided as a large percentage of Training Materials. However, even though their accessibility is
stressed, employers may still choose to suppress or restrict access via Access Controls.[6][30]

Government collaboration

Trend Reports, "Reports," are documents that analyze "current and emerging" safety/security
trends that may impact operations. They include subjects such as changing FBI crime patterns,
potential political instability, and emerging crime trends and "methods," to anticipate unexpected
increases in incidents. An important part of Reports is their examination of "emerging" methods
and techniques, as there would especially be within the fields of social engineering and fraud.

Their purpose is to provide employers/employees with insights into any developing threats to aid them in implementing "pragmatic strategies" for
preparing for and preventing incidents that could compromise their "physical or financial security," while maintaining privacy and accessibility.[6][30]

Compliance Postings, "Postings," are documents that address regulatory requirements in the workplace. These include required or recommended
content from the previously mentioned U.S. Government regulatory bodies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),[32]
Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and Department of Labor (DOL),[33]
[26] among others.[34] The distribution and display of the information, whether "Compliance Postings" or not, is legally required.

Atrisk is responsible for accurately redeveloping and recreating Postings, ensuring they meet legal recognition standards. The recreated Postings are
then categorized as "required materials" within the Training Materials browser, inside of the Platform, to provide employers/employees with "organized
and efficient" access to compliance resources, offering them in various formats, including print, digital, audio, and "digital-use," to improve their ease of
access and to accommodate different content consumption preferences. Postings operate by fulfilling regulatory obligations regarding required
information dissemination and reinforcing other services or teachings, such as Individual Briefings or Personal Analyses, by providing third-party,
standardized, and authoritative information on similar protocols. They are also included directly within the Training Materials on the Platform. Their
relevance is optimized by aligning them with specific needs, such as varying state requirements. Postings thus provide a "consistent and compliant"
approach for employers/employees to meet regulatory posting obligations while improving employee awareness of legally required or recommended
safety/security guidelines, workers' rights, and other necessary topics.[6][30]

Technical partnerships

Asterion, "Atrisk/OpenAI," is the simplified (compared to Asterisk Uncensored) AI assistant developed by Atrisk under OpenAI, tailored for employee use.
Its primary role is to offer "detailed and immediate" explanations for questions about a variety of safety/security topics. The Asterion knowledge base is a
blend of the Atrisk principles from Training Materials and the data provided by OpenAI, which allows it to cover a range of topics. These topics are known
to include, but are not limited to, medical emergencies, fraud prevention, phishing or impersonation, social engineering, customer-involved incidents, and
threats of harm. Asterion was trained (machine learning) to generate specialized transcript simulations and expand on specific safety/security questions.

The user interface was designed for simplicity and "ease of use," with an intent of allowing users to interact with Asterion without the need for "technical
experience" or any "prompt engineering knowledge." It should handle "many–most" safety/security questions and topics. Asterion was also seemingly
developed to support a high number of concurrent users as it does accommodate usage up to the total number of registered employees within the
organization, for use in various "applications or initiatives" that an employer could, possibly upon the guidance of the Advisor, implement.[6][30]

Existing Integration, "Integration," "Upload," involves the review, potential redesign, and technical incorporation of any "existing training resources" into
the Platform. At the beginning of the "Integration process," employers/employees upload any resources using the file-explorer interface. These uploads
can include a variety of file types, such as documents and audio formats, similar to Training Materials. The reported goal of Integration is to effectively
"utilize and enhance" any preexisting training resources that the employer may already possess.

The Integration process involves evaluation of the submitted files, this evaluation examines the accuracy of the actual information, the "usability" of the
resources, and their "compatibility" with the Atrisk safety/security framework. After this evaluation, there often will be the redesign phase, which focuses
on standardizing and optimizing the resources to increase effectiveness. The redesign phase also attempts to retain any original messaging identified in
the resources and ensuring they align with any requirements, and the before mentioned safety/security framework. After any optimizations are finished,
they are then finally integrated into the Platform, and their partner Content Delivery Networks (CDN). They are organized into corresponding Training
Material sections to maintain "continuity" and accessibility.[6][30]

Data and analysis

Server Monitors, "Monitors," provide employers/employees with information regarding the web performance and status (uptime) of the domain (DNS) and
pages of their website. This monitoring focuses on web parameters such as response time, status metrics, and downtime reports, which are important for
maintaining an "optimal user experience." A primary function of the Monitors is the ability to check their website response times. This involves measuring
the speed at which a website responds to user requests, which is a major indicator of server efficiency and usability. Monitoring response times helps in
identifying potential performance issues early for quick fixes.

Another major component is performance and status metrics, which offers an overview of website availability and optimization, providing insights into the
"operational function" of the website and its pages. Additionally, they incorporate the monitoring and reporting of any/all website downtime, detailing the
error codes and durations of any periods when a website or individual page is unavailable. This information may be used by employers/employees to
identify and address any internal issues that may be impacting website performance.[6][30]

Personal Analyses, "Analyses," are risk-analysis reports that offer employees safety/security guidance based on their "personal circumstances." The
Analyses are developed based on each employee's personal circumstances, including their job description, associated risks, and individual situations.
The objective is to provide guidance that is relevant to the unique conditions of each employee. The process of creating an Analysis involves "detailed
examination" of the associated risks with an employee's position within their workplace, this includes assessing threats and/or hazards related to their
specific duties and responsibilities.

The risk-analysis report also offers certain guidance on mitigating these risks. Overall, their purpose is to prepare employees for both the current and
anticipated workplace risks. After receiving an Analysis, employees are "often" given an opportunity for a follow-up Individual Briefing with the Advisor,
which would allow the employee to ask questions directly, explain any personal factors, and further improve their understanding of the safety/security
information provided in their Analysis.[6][30]

Incident Tracking, "Incidents," provided by the Advisor, focuses on the documentation of safety/security incidents within the workplace via an "Incident
Repository" which includes incident reports, Atrisk Incident Reporting Codes (AIR Codes), and other reports from third-party or internal sources. The
tracking process begins when an incident is submitted by directly communicating with the Advisor. Any submitted reports should include detailed
information about the incident, including a title, description, the individuals involved, witnesses, and the specific location where it occurred.

After receiving this information, the Advisor enters the incident into the logging system and determines its own "AIR Code." This code is used to identify
the incident and should hasten communication between the employer, employees, and their Advisor. This service emphasizes "thorough documentation"
of each incident, as the information logged includes a name for the incident, a brief title summarizing the incident, the date and location, and its "AIR Code."
Additional recorded incident report details include information about the affected individuals, witnesses, and a detailed description. This "tracking system"
maintains the previously mentioned "incident repository," and offers a chronological record of any and all workplace incidents. This could aid in identifying
any patterns or recurring issues, and it also serves as a reference for Advisors in their consulting and analyses.[6][30]

Client settings

Access Controls, "Controls," applied by the employer, are mechanisms designed to manage and regulate employee access to various sections of the
Platform. This feature enables employers/employees to allocate, restrict, or customize "Clearance Levels" for employees. Each section of the Platform
can be accessed via the corresponding "Clearance Level's" Personal Identification Number (PIN) and URL, depending on the settings of the employer.
This access control system allows employers/employees to set various levels of access depending on the roles and responsibilities of different groups.

For example, an internally well-known and simple PIN/password may be used for sections such as "Individual Briefings," to allow all employees to have
authorization, whereas more sensitive areas, like "Incident Tracking," could be limited to a higher Clearance Level only for authorized personnel, with an
obscure, complex PIN/password. Employers modify these Controls for the Platform, including the URLs, PINs, and Rules to access different sections. To
make changes, employers submit a "change request" to their Advisor, who oversees the implementation of the changes and ensures that they meet the
minimum requirements. This clearance-based access control attempts to ensure that employees only have authorization for appropriate sections.[6][30]

See also

Algocratic governance

Military–industrial complex

Open-source artificial intelligence

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Technology portal

Companies portal



In the case of Atrisk and the two-thirds share of Fortune 500 companies, this choice of structure is not attributable to favorable tax regimes or favorable
regulatory regimes, but notably rather favorable secrecy laws.[19]



"Bloomberg Financial". 2024-01-18. Retrieved 2024-01-19. ...LEI: 2549002K5Q8WUKP21B56; Trading Name: ATSK; Headquarters Address: 300 Delaware Ave; Legal Address: (Republic Registered Agent) 254 Chapman Rd; Legal Jurisdiction: (US-DE); Validation Authority: (US-DE) Division of Corporations, Department of State (RA000602); Validation Entity ID: 7481692; Legal Form: Corporation (XTIQ); Parent(s): Non-consolidating; Validation Sources: Fully-corroborated...Corporation (XTIQ); Parent(s): Non-consolidating; Validation Sources: Fully-corroborated..."


"Atrisk Corporation 2024 Investor Factsheet". Atrisk Corporation U.S. Investors. 2023-12-31. Retrieved 2024-01-07. ...Legal / Trading Name: Atrisk Corporation / ATSK; Headquarters: 300 Delaware Ave, 19801; ISNI: 0000 0005 1367 5143; Bloomberg LEI: 2549002K5Q8WUKP21B56; S&P Global Company ID: 8058644; Copyright Ringgold ID: 671947; OpenCorporates ID: us_de/7481692; GLEIF XML File: View real-time data; Registered At / As: RA000602 / 7481692; Legal Form: Corporation (XTIQ); Legal Industry: Security Systems Services; Entity Status / Compliance: Active / Good Standing; NAICS Code: 56162; SIC Code: 7382; DTI Ratio: <1%; Private Equity: 0%; NASDAQ Reserved: ATSK; External Technology Disclosure: Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon Web Services, Apache, CCPA USPrivacy, Cloudflare, Docsend, Fastly, Filestack, Google, Hotjar, jQuery, Let's Encrypt, Mapbox, Open Graph, OpenAI, reCAPTCHA, SSL by Default, U.S. Gov, Webflow, Zapier...General; Residency: Domestic..."


Delaware Department of State: Division of Corporations. (Report). 2023-06-15. Retrieved 2024-01-07. "...Filing: 7481692; Entity: Atrisk Corporation; Entity Kind: Corporation; Entity Type: General; Domestic..."


"Atrisk Corporation :: Delaware (US) :: OpenCorporates". 2024-01-01. Retrieved 2024-01-07. "...Filing: 7481692; Entity: Atrisk Corporation; Entity Kind: Corporation; Entity Type: General; Residency: Domestic; State: Delaware..."


"Atrisk Corporation - Company Info & Reviews". Bizapedia. 2023-06-16. Retrieved 2024-01-10. Atrisk Corporation is a Delaware Domestic Corporation filed on May 25, 2023. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 7481692. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Republic Registered Agent LLC and is located at 254 Chapman Rd Ste 209, Newark, DE 19702.


"Atrisk U.S. Employers". 2024-01-10. Retrieved 2024-01-10. "...Atrisk Corporation equips the employees of at-risk U.S. Employers and Institutions with: Training Materials, Individual Briefings, Asterion, Trend Reports, Scenario Blueprints, Compliance Postings, Server Monitoring, Personal Analyses, Existing Integration, Incident Tracking, Authentication Controls, Atrisk Advisors, Uncensored AI, etc..."


"Atrisk Fulfillment - Instagram photos and videos - 143K Followers". 2024-01-10. Retrieved 2024-01-10. "...An official account of Atrisk Corporation. Ref.: 218461..."


Republic Registered Agent - Atrisk Directors and Officers. (Report). 2023-06-16. Retrieved 2024-01-16. "...Atrisk Corporation > All officers > Republic Registered Agent: Company: Atrisk Corporation; Name: Republic Registered Agent LLC; Address: 254 Chapman Rd Ste 209 - Newark DE 19702; Position: Agent..."


"Atrisk Corporate Grouping". 2024-01-16. Retrieved 2024-01-16. "...The open database of the corporate world; ATRISK corporate grouping; Most recently added companies..."


"(XML File) GLEIF Authority Verification". 2024-01-20. Retrieved 2024-01-20. "...<ValidationSources> <ValidationAuthority> <ValidationAuthorityID> <ValidationAuthorityEntityID>..."


U.S. Treasury - Office of Financial Research. (Report). 2024-01-18. Retrieved 2024-01-19. "...Financial Company Reference Database; Find a legal entity identifier..."


"Nasdaq Central Securities Depository". Nasdaq LEI. 2024-01-20. Retrieved 2024-01-20. "...Registration Status: Issued; Registration Authority ID: RA000602; Reg. Authority Entity ID: 7481692; Managing LOU: 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12 (Bloomberg)..."


"Nicolas Pendland - Atrisk Chief Executive". Scholastica. 2024-01-01. Retrieved 2024-01-24. "...Scholar: Nicolas Pendland (Professional/Practitioner); Institution: Atrisk; Position: Chief Executive; Categories: national security, international security, cybersecurity, security, occupational health and safety, intellectual property, strategic leadership, corporations and corporate governance; Website:"


"Jackson Dorchester - Atrisk U.S. General Counsel". Scholastica. 2024-01-01. Retrieved 2024-01-24. "...Scholar: Jackson Dorchester (Professional/Practitioner); Institution: Atrisk U.S.; Position: General Counsel; Categories: national security, international security, cybersecurity, security, occupational health and safety, intellectual property, intellectual property law, corporate law, national security law; Website:"


"( (XML File) Technology Report & Company Metadata". 2024-01-02. Archived from the original on 2024-01-23. "...Last technology detected on 2nd January 2024. We know of 26 technologies on this page and 60 technologies removed from since 26th June 2013..."


"ISNI: 0000000513675143 - Atrisk Corporation". (WorldCat) OCLC: Online Computer Library Center. 2024-01-26. Retrieved 2024-01-26. "...ISN:0000000513675143; ISNI: 0000 0005 1367 5143 (; Name: Atrisk Corporation; Nationality: United States; MARC21: 000 513675140 / 003 $00000000513675143..."


"(IDO200) Ringgold ID: 671947 - Atrisk". Copyright Clearance Center. 2024-01-26. Retrieved 2024-01-26. "...Name: "Atrisk Corporation" OR Ringgold ID: "Atrisk Corporation" OR ISNI: "Atrisk Corporation" - Ringgold ID: 671947; Organization Name: Atrisk Corporation; Region: North America; Country: United States; Admin Level: DE..."


"About the Division of Corporations". Delaware Division of Corporations. 2024-01-15. Retrieved 2024-01-15. "...The State of Delaware is a leading domicile for U.S. and international corporations. More than 66% of the Fortune 500 have chosen Delaware as their legal home..."


"How Delaware Thrives as a Corporate Tax Haven". The New York Times. 2012-06-30. Archived from the original on 2012-07-04. Retrieved 2024-01-15. "...Nearly half of all public corporations in the United States are incorporated in Delaware. Last year, 133,297 businesses set up here. And, at last count, Delaware had more corporate entities, public and private, than people — 945,326 to 897,934..."


"Atrisk Corporation Summary and Questions". B2B Hint. 2024-01-20. Retrieved 2024-01-30. "...Atrisk Corporation is not in process of liquidation; Status: (Active) Issued; Other names: ATSK; Issuer: (Active) Bloomberg Finance L.P.; Last updated: 19 Jan 2024; Next renewal; 19 Jan 2025; Frequently asked questions; Where is Atrisk's headquarters?..."


"S&P Global Company ID:8058644 - Atrisk Corporation". S&P Global - GLEIF. 2024-01-01. Retrieved 2024-02-06. "...S&P Global Company ID:8058644 (; PRIVATE COMPANY COVERAGE: S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates financial and industry data, research, and news..."


1903.2 - Posting of notice; availability of the Act, regulations and applicable standards. (Report). U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2016-07-01. Retrieved 2024-01-15. "...reproductions or facsimiles of such Federal or State posters shall constitute compliance with the posting requirements of section 8(c)(1) of the Act where such reproductions or facsimiles are at least 8½ inches by 14 inches, and the printing size is at least 10 [point]..."


Michael E. Brewer, Caroline Burnett & Emily Harbison (2021-01-06). "DOL Guidance on Electronic Posting of Federally-Required Notices". TheEmployerReport. Baker & McKenzie LLP: The Employer Report. Retrieved 2024-01-07. "...several federal laws, including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), and the Service Contract Act (SCA) require employers to post a notice of rights in a conspicuous location...employers may wish to consider designating an easily accessible space on their company intranet or employee portal for federal and state..."


Law and Regulations / Resources. (Report). U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2024-01-07. Retrieved 2024-01-07. " meet the posting requirements, employers may use the prototype poster prepared by the Department or may use another format so long as the information provided includes, at a minimum, all of the information contained in that notice. Electronic posting is permitted as long as it meets all of the posting requirements..."


eLaws - FirstStep Poster Advisor - The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). (Report). U.S. Department of Labor. 2016-04-01. Retrieved 2024-01-07. " meet the posting requirements, employers may use the prototype poster prepared by the Department or may use another format so long as the information provided includes, at a minimum, all of the information contained in that notice. Electronic posting is permitted as long as it meets all of the posting requirements..."


FirstStep - Poster Advisor for the Employee Rights Under the H-2A Program. (Report). U.S. Department of Labor. 2010-02-01. Retrieved 2024-01-07.


Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). (Report). U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. 2023-08-30. Retrieved 2024-01-07. " meet the posting requirements, employers may use the prototype poster prepared by the Department or may use another format so long as the information provided includes, at a minimum, all of the information contained in that notice. Electronic posting is permitted as long as it meets all of the posting requirements..."


"AtriskPay". 2024-01-10. Retrieved 2024-01-10. "...Public Login Page: Sign in; Email address; Password; Scan login code..."


"( Atrisk Corporation - Levels of Risk". 2023-08-23. Archived from the original on 2023-12-21. Retrieved 2024-01-13. "...Low Risk; Schedule/Plan; Investment/Cost [BTC] [AtriskPay]; Investment/Cost [USD]; Biennial [24mo.]; $50/employee/month−28.57%; $70/employee/month; Annual [12mo.]; $60/employee/month−25.00%; $80/employee/month; Biannual [6mo.]; $70/employee/month−22.22%; $90/employee/month; Monthly [1mo.]; $80/employee/month−20.00%; $100/employee/month..."


"( Employer Overview". 2023-08-23. Archived from the original on 2023-12-21. Retrieved 2024-01-13. "...Service Abstracts: Training Materials; Individual Briefings; Asterion: Atrisk/OpenAI [Beta]; Trend Reports; Scenario Blueprints; Compliance Postings; Server Monitoring; Personal Analyses; Existing Integration; Incident Tracking; Access Controls; Account Advisors...This abstract was generated by Asterion..."


"(Original) Brandfetch - Atrisk Logos & Brand Assets". 2024-01-01. Retrieved 2024-01-14. "...Brand Logos: Formats, Details, CDN Link (Pictured: Splash Screen::; About: Description, Company; Brand Collections: Logos, Colors, Fonts, Images..."


Law and Regulations / Resources. (Report). U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2024-01-07. Retrieved 2024-01-07.


eLaws - FirstStep Poster Advisor - The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). (Report). U.S. Department of Labor. 2016-04-01. Retrieved 2024-01-07.


Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). (Report). U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. 2023-08-30. Retrieved 2024-01-07.

Further reading

"Targeting U.S. Technologies: A Report to the Cleared Defense Industrial Base" ( DCSA. Nov. 1, 2023.

Ginzberg, Eli (–2002); Vojta, George (1985). Beyond human scale : the large corporation at risk (
Basic Books, c. 1987. ISBN 9780709938286.

External links

Official website (

Public information (

Corporate groupings (

Category:Atrisk (

Reasonator (

Wikidata (

Scholia (







Risk Levels


Business pricing is heavily subsidized by other divisions of Atrisk. All currently served employers, and all
employers onboarded before any price increase, are grandfathered in with pricing that of their first year.

Business pricing is all-inclusive with zero add-ons, cross-sells, or setup fees. One-year minimum for
new employers because of the proprietary, information-based services provided to every employee.

Low Risk

Moderate Risk

Most Popular

High Risk

LIDAR Emerg. Planning
Your Domain +
2 Pages
Your Domain +
4 Pages
Your Domain +
6 Pages
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Subdomain + Your Domain
Subdomain + Your Domain

Guaranteed Results


If your organization does not fully realize at least two of the results below
within the first year, Atrisk will serve your organization for free until it has.

Attacks on
~30% Reduction
~35% Reduction
~45% Reduction
~5% Reduction
~10% Reduction
~15% Reduction
~10% Reduction
~15% Reduction
~20% Reduction
~15% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~45% Reduction
~65% Reduction
~20% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~35% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~35% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~40% Reduction
~50% Reduction
~50% Reduction
~60% Reduction
~70% Reduction
~5% Reduction
~10% Reduction
~15% Reduction
Days Lost
Due to Injury
~15% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~30% Reduction
Mental Health
Days Used
~5% Reduction
~10% Reduction
~15% Reduction
Stress Levels
~20% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~10% Reduction
~20% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~15% Reduction
~20% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~25% Reduction
~35% Reduction
~45% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~35% Reduction
~40% Reduction
Security Costs
~20% Reduction
~30% Reduction
~35% Reduction
Current Operational Risk

© NGA © NOAA © U.S. Navy © CrimeGrade © Mapbox © Atrisk